Friday, August 28, 2009

Prabhupada's compassion

One night in Prabhupada's apartment I awoke from a sound sleep about 1:30 a.m. to the ring of Prabhupada's bell. Entering his room, which was dark except for a reading light on a small podium, Srila Prabhupada was sitting reading from a large red Bhagavatam. He motioned for me to sit down. His voice cracking and tears forming in his eyes, he began talking to me about the glories of Prahlad Maharaj and the true meaning of being a Vaishnava. He talked about how Prahlad's only desire was for others to be rescued from this world of birth and death. He described the compassion of the Vaishnava for the fallen souls and, seeing how hard he worked to spread Krishna Consciousness, I could feel his own heart overflowing with this intense form of Vaishnava love.

As Prabhupada spoke, I could only think: why me? I did not deserve such intimacy. If only the world could know Prabhupada's glory, a Mahabhagavata Devotee, a nitya-siddha, eternally liberated soul, whose thoughts day and night focused on how to free the conditioned souls from their bondage. Para duhka duhki, Prabhupada uttered softly while contemplating the incomparable qualities of a true Vaishnava, which he exemplified perfectly. If there is another person living with these attributes, I have not met him.

Prabhupada's mood gradually changed and soon he was describing his youthful acting in transcendental dramas, and we were laughing as he graphically recreated characters for me. After some time, Prabhupada indicated that I should return to take rest. I was walking in a cloud surcharged by the pure devotional energy emanating from the mouth of the Lord's dearmost representative. As I lay down to sleep, I thought that no possible dream could surpass the reality I had just experienced.