Monday, August 24, 2009

The sign of a devotee

Srila Prabhupada: "That is the sign of a devotee, appreciation. Narada Muni says that the devotee always appreciates the qualities of the other devotees. Yes, that is the sign, appreciation of the activities of devotees.

"A devotee who is actually freed from all contaminations does not find any fault with other devotees. He does not think himself that he's a bigger devotee or greater devotee than others. He thinks himself as the lowest of all. As Chaitanya Caritamrta author, Krishna das Kaviraj says, 'I am lower than the insect within the stool, I am a greater sinner than Jagai and Madhai. Anyone who takes my name, immediately all the results of his pious activities become vanquished.'

"It is not imitation or any bluff. Any devotee who is actually advancing, he feels like that. Just like the great scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, used to say, 'I've simply collected a few grains of sand from the ocean of knowledge.' Actually, that is a fact, everything is unlimited.

"So nobody should be proud falsely, that he has become a great devotee. Everyone should be very humble, 'Trnad api sunicena taror iva sahisnuna, amanena manidena, kirtaniya sada Harih.' If one thinks that he has become very advanced devotee, then that is very dangerous.

"Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, 'My spiritual master saw Me as a great fool, therefore he has chastised Me. 'Don't read Vedanta, chant Hare Krishna.' He presented Himself like that. Is Chaitanya Mahaprabhu murkha? (fool) But that is the conception of an advanced devotee. They never think that they are very highly advanced devotee. What is advanced. What devotion can we offer to Krishna. He is unlimited. He is kindly accepting our little service that's all. Don't be proud of becoming a great devotee. That is first-class falldown." (72/55)

- From the "Prabhupada at Radha-Damodara" by HH Mahanidhi Swami